
Technical documentation on Antwerp’s Portrait of Eleazer Swalmius added to the database

18 September 2018

Today The Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Antwerp has published research data on their Portrait of Eleazar Swalmius online through The Rembrandt Database.

The Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Antwerp has provided the database with more than 100 technical documents on the Portrait of Eleazar Swalmius. Many of these documents were created during the full scale conservation treatment of the painting in 2008. During this treatment, the painting was examined thoroughly  with UV, stereomicroscopy, and infrared amongst other research methods. Research data of this painting kept at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and the Cultural Heritage Agency in Amsterdam/Amersfoort had already been published online, as a result of the partnership with those institutions. This documentation has now been complemented with the research documents of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Antwerp.

Many thanks to Lizet Klaassen (Conservator), Elsje Janssen (Scientific Director of Collections), Madeleine ter Kuile (Image Service Manager) and Gwen Borms (Head of the conservation studio) who have generously provided the database with the documentation and have been working on the presentation in close collaboration with the RKD.

Infrared examination, computer assembly, detail (front), 2006-06-20, creator: Adri Verburg; Rembrandt or circle of Rembrandt, Portrait of Eleazar Swalmius, 1637, Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp, 705