
In Focus

Examining Rembrandt Paintings

For decades, Rembrandt’s works of art have undergone scholarly and technical analysis. The results of these examinations are preserved in various museums, research institutes, archives and laboratories around the world. The documentation is generally difficult to access, often still unavailable in digital form, and not yet organized as a coherent and interrelated body of material. 

The Rembrandt database contains an extensive amount of various types of research documents, which are collected from all over the world and made online accessible for further research. This online guide aims to help users of the Rembrandt Database to navigate the bulk of the raw data. It also aims to provide insight into the information and documentation accessible in the database and to show how these research results have formed our image of Rembrandt as an artist. 

X-radiography: computer assembly, detail, 2014, Rob Erdmann; Rembrandt, The Sampling Officials of the Amsterdam Drapers Guild, also known as The Syndics, dated 1662, canvas, 191.5 x 279 cm, Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum